Why does Keith Elementary PTO Fundraise?
The PTO helps Keith Elementary covers all expenses associated with field trips & transportation for all students, Mother Goose for Pre-k and Kinder, Garden program for all grade levels, Four Keith Alumni College Scholarships, additional playground equipment and hardtop activities, and more!!
How Keith PTO $ is raised.....
Families, teachers, faculty and local business all work together to support the Keith PTO fundraising efforts by:
- Participating and donating funds to Keith PTO's Major Fundraiser of the year
- Attending other special events for your son and daughter (sponsored by Keith PTO)
- Eating out on Spirit Nights (restaurant nights)
- Purchasing a PTO Membership
- Purchasing Spirit Wear from the online store
-Purchasing items at our monthly Cougar Store (during lunch)
- Purchase a Cougar Paw
- Box Top$ for Education
- Shopping at Kroger
All of these actions together help support the students at Keith Elementary!
Thank you so much for your support!!
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 10
- Tuesday, March 11
- Wednesday, March 12
- Thursday, March 13
- Friday, March 14